'jinapark'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2021.09.20 Exhibition View_Human Lights, Kukje Gallery Busan
  2. 2020.09.01 Jina Park monograph is out now!

Exhibition View_Human Lights, Kukje Gallery Busan


Exhibition View of Jina Park: Human Lights, Kukje Gallery Busan, 2021



Photo by Chunho An

(c)Jina Park & Kukje Gallery

'exhibition views' 카테고리의 다른 글

Exhibition Video_Human Lights  (0) 2021.09.18
exhibition views 2018  (2) 2019.02.02
exhibition views in 2015  (0) 2015.09.28
exhibition views at Hite Collection  (0) 2014.08.22
Exhibition Views of One and one  (0) 2012.11.22

Jina Park monograph is out now!


작품집 발간 소식

Night for Day 박진아


250X210mm, 284페이지, 양장본

발행: 헤적프레스

기획: 박진아, 이성휘, 박연주

편집: 이한범

디자인: 박연주 

글: 방혜진, 박진아, 유진상, 이성휘

후원: 서울문화재단


가격: 48,000원 

판매서점: (서울) 국립현대미술관 서울관 미술책방, 보안책방, 스프링 플레어

                  (뉘른베르크) Walther König 서점

온라인: 알라딘



Night for Day   Jina Park


250X210mm, 284 pages, Hardcover

Limitied Edition: 500

ISBN 978-89-97973-26-2 (93650)


Published by Hezuk Press

Planning: Jina Park, Sunghui Lee, Yeounjoo Park

Editing: Hanbum Lee

Design: Yeounjoo Park

Text: Haejin Phang, Jina Park, Jin-sang Yoo, Sunghui Lee

English Translation: Yoo-suk Kim, Eunah Park, Shinyoung Chung, Taey Iohe

English Proofreading: Joel Mckee, Yunhee Chung

Support: Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture


available at MMCA Seoul Art Bookshop, Boan Books and Spring Flare (Seoul),

                  Buchhandlung Walther König Nürnberg 



For more information on purchase, ask: hezukpress@gmail.com

'news' 카테고리의 다른 글

Jina Park solo exhibition: Rocks, Smoke, and Pianos  (1) 2024.12.10
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